Dont buy the Sun.

Dont buy the Sun.
Hillsborough Justice campaign - Remember the 96.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

catty christmas

Hey guys,
back and well rested for the new year. we dove, we conchered. ;)
we had a friend look after the place while we were gone, and he just happened to be a photographer. check out the cat pics


Grasshopper said...

Wow! Those pictures are terrific!

Hope you had a good holiday.

Happy New Year!!

JoeyMac said...

The guy is from Halifax. Shall I ask if he does bunnies next time he's down? :)

MJN said...

Seriously good photographs. Does this photographer have any other stuff available, like a website or something?

Hope the vacation was good.

JoeyMac said...
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JoeyMac said...
He said we may be the start of a kitty collection on the site. :)

MJN said...

Really good website, hope he gets lots of work. I think Jona is a bit of a wizzard when it comes to light - there's a nice translucence to some of his stuff. It would be really interesting (if he ends up specializing in photography only) to see Jona do some documentary work - kind of Cartier Bresson stuff. I love documentary work, but loads of documentary/narrative photography is technically very weak, whereas Jona is technically really strong.
I realise thought that he's mostly interested in design etc at the moment.
Do you think he'd mind if I link to him ?- YNWA is a very limited circulation at the moment but will get bigger again once YNWA goes public again in a few weeks (once I've thought of something cheerful to write).