Dont buy the Sun.

Dont buy the Sun.
Hillsborough Justice campaign - Remember the 96.

Friday 22 May 2009

The New Recruit

I would like you all to welcome the newest recruit to Large Mansions - Diego the Frog. As you may be aware, we still have no floor in our entire downstairs area ( a situation that will be finally remedied in the forthcoming week) .

We do however have a frog, who appeared this week in our pond. Here's some pictures featuring firstly Diego, then Tosh, attempting to kill Diego.
The front garden is now getting close to being beautiful. As part of the idea of the area is to encourage wildlife, we've planted, and demarcated as disposable several additional plants - cauliflower and potato. Hopefully Diego will eat the bugs that eat the plants, but these plants are sacrificial.

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