Dont buy the Sun.

Dont buy the Sun.
Hillsborough Justice campaign - Remember the 96.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

I fought the claw, and the claw won...

We have been in the midst of an escalating cold war for about 6 months now. Toulouse, once the terror of the neighbourhood, has been restricted to the small patio-like backyard since his run in with something much larger than he was. Toulouse strongly objects to this imprisonment, of course, and has found very creative ways to get back out to his turf. We have bricked, taped, stapled, and nailed nearly every part of the fence till we thought we had finally succeeded.
A few weeks ago, he raised the bar (literally) by deciding to show us exactly what he was capable of. .

1 comment:

MJN said...

You do realize that if you actually wanted Toulouse to leave the area (or any defined area - garden, your bed, room with guests) for any reason, then it would be impossible, if it was what you wanted. Similarly, if you actually wanted Toulouse to jump this fence - as a party trick, or for any other reason, then you could make it 1 inch high, and it would suddenly become an impenetrable barrier.